Kitchari Kits | Serves 3-4
A beautiful, nourishing hug in a bowl - kitchari is an excellent meal designed to rekindle agni (our digestive fire), gently eliminate toxins, remove congestion and stagnation, and promote energy and vitality. Kitchari is easy to digest and deeply nourishing for anyone and everyone, plus it’s gentle, earthy and warming taste brings comfort to us any time we consume it.
These kits have been hand packaged, and each kit comes with its own individual tridoshic spice mix, as well as simple, easy to follow cooking instructions. This meal can be put together and left to simmer on its own in less then 15 minutes.
Ingredients: mung dahl, rice, cumin, coriander, fennel, fenugreek, cinnamon, cardamom, curry leaf
Addition ingredients not included: vegetable stock, ghee, fresh ginger, optional vegetables.
A beautiful, nourishing hug in a bowl - kitchari is an excellent meal designed to rekindle agni (our digestive fire), gently eliminate toxins, remove congestion and stagnation, and promote energy and vitality. Kitchari is easy to digest and deeply nourishing for anyone and everyone, plus it’s gentle, earthy and warming taste brings comfort to us any time we consume it.
These kits have been hand packaged, and each kit comes with its own individual tridoshic spice mix, as well as simple, easy to follow cooking instructions. This meal can be put together and left to simmer on its own in less then 15 minutes.
Ingredients: mung dahl, rice, cumin, coriander, fennel, fenugreek, cinnamon, cardamom, curry leaf
Addition ingredients not included: vegetable stock, ghee, fresh ginger, optional vegetables.
A beautiful, nourishing hug in a bowl - kitchari is an excellent meal designed to rekindle agni (our digestive fire), gently eliminate toxins, remove congestion and stagnation, and promote energy and vitality. Kitchari is easy to digest and deeply nourishing for anyone and everyone, plus it’s gentle, earthy and warming taste brings comfort to us any time we consume it.
These kits have been hand packaged, and each kit comes with its own individual tridoshic spice mix, as well as simple, easy to follow cooking instructions. This meal can be put together and left to simmer on its own in less then 15 minutes.
Ingredients: mung dahl, rice, cumin, coriander, fennel, fenugreek, cinnamon, cardamom, curry leaf
Addition ingredients not included: vegetable stock, ghee, fresh ginger, optional vegetables.