
  • An opportunity for you if you’ve been feeling called to the sacred journey that is Ayurvedic healing, but are unsure why. A sacred space will be created for us to sit in union with tea and discuss any questions you have around Ayurveda and what a guided treatment journey will look like.
    A chance for you to discover the foundations of the beauty and wisdom within the realm of whole-istic healing.

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  • An hour and a half dedicated entirely to you and your story. This is the first meeting we will have, where we will dive deep in to the journey that brought you here, the hardships you are currently or have previously experienced.
    A chance for you to sit in vulnerability and be heard, allowing me to gain a deep understanding of you, in order for me to develop an intuitive and unique protocol for you to follow to bring you back to your grounded and balanced self.
    This is inclusive of meeting again once your protocol has been developed to walk you through the initial steps

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  • An opportunity for you to come back within a week of receiving your personalised dinacharya after your Enlighten Me (initial consult) session.
    This is a time where you can gain any clarity you need surrounding the information you received, and discuss with Mohini what the best way forward is for you to transition in to this new way of being.
    We discuss your unique herbal combination and any other components of your dinacharya that seem unfamiliar.

    Please note, this booking is only available to those who have already had their ‘Enlighten Me | Initial Consult’ booking, and is free of charge.

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  • A time for us to gather in sacredness again, and feel in to how the initial protocol has been feeling. A chance to change what doesn’t feel right, and enhance what does, to ensure you are getting the most out of your healing journey

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The Beginning

  • Abhyanga ~ full body massage (most popular)
    An intuitive massage journey developed to bring you back to your body, to melt away physical, mental and emotional stressors, guided by the needs of your heart. Beginning with a herbal foot soak, we will awaken circulation throughout all of you, leaving you feeling grounded and stable, yet awake and completely rejuvenated

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  • Kati basti ~ a warm oil bath for the sacrum
    Connected to the having in your life, to the stability you feel, this treatment is designed to nourish and nurture your lumbar and sacral region.
    An organic dough ring is placed on your lower back, and warm, medicated oil is pooled within, allowing the weight of your woes to be absorbed. This treatment helps to remove ama (toxins), be they emotional or physical, from this region, allowing freedom to be found, removing tension and tightening of the sacrum, and supporting you in supporting yourself once again.

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  • Greeva basti ~ a warm oil bath for the neck
    An oil pooling treatment focused entirely on your neck, the portal between consciousness and subconsciousness - where our physical body connects with the intelligence of the mind.
    Indulging in this allows stress and congestion of the nerves, bones and muscles of the neck and shoulders to melt away, re-opening the pathway of clarity.
    A beautiful treatment for those carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, who feel the tension rippling through their minds. A chance for you to restore strength and move forth with clarity

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  • Pinda sweda ~ a herbal bolus massage
    Using a warm, medicated herbal bolus, this treatment will sudate and fomentate you from the inside out. A deeply detoxifying and rejuvenating therapy curated to improve circulation, drain your lymphatics, support joint and muscle health and provide complete relaxation for the body.
    This can be designed specifically for rejuvenation, detoxification or assisting in recovery from an injury.

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  • Mukhabhyanga ~ Ayurvedic Skinfood Facial
    An opportunity for you to cleanse away the excess from the external world. Our face is not only the first feature people see of us, it is also the home to thousands of delicate nerve endings, the most used part of our body, a map of our internal organs.

    Our face not only reflects what is happening on the inside, it provides us with the ability to tend to the inside from the outside.

    This treatment involves cleansing, oiling, massaging and the use of specialised tools to awaken the facial nerves, and therefore awaken the internal bodily systems.

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  • Our custom spa package ~ For all things luxury
    A luxurious combination of head to toe, front and back lymphatic drainage massage with the incorporation of hot stones, followed by our custom Ayurvedic skin food facial.

    This journey has been curated to provide you with the ultimate indulgence experience whilst stimulating circulation and flow within the body, providing heat, nourishment and nurturing to your entirety.

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  • Pregnancy Massage ~ For the carriers of new souls
    A 1 hour honouring of the for of nature that is a child bearing mother.
    Melt into the heated treatment table, be supported entirely by pillows, blankets and the loving hands of our therapist.
    This treatment will dissolve all tension and leave you feeling nurtured.

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  • Nasya ~ accompanied by face and head massage
    Dedicated to clearing the passage way of your sinuses, bringing forth clarity and insight. A beautiful treatment to relieve headaches and to promote a sense of overall enlightenment by removing stagnation that blocks authentic prana from entering your nasal vessel.
    Used for a wide scope of ailments from hay fever and asthma, to recurrent headaches, forgetfulness and insomnia. A series of this will provide complete cessation from all ailments of the head

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  • Karuna purana ~ ear anointing therapy
    A filling of the ears for those who feel the music isn’t clear enough. A therapy designed to unblock the ear canal, allowing you to hear with precision again.
    This treatment is beneficial in ailments such as tinnitus (ring of the ears), dizziness, headaches and wax overgrowth. It is also a beautiful therapy to help pacify the imbalances of vata, such as excessive wind, overstimulation and prolonged travel

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  • The ultimate gift to yourself, in the most necessary time of your life. We understand that in order for you to be able to properly nurture your child, you must first be nurtured.
    These packages can be entirely individualised to your exact needs, offering services pre, during and post pregnancy, covering all 5 terms of your pregnancy journey (pre conception, the three trimesters carrying child, and the fourth trimester holding the child).
    This can include, but is not limited to, pre conception and fertility guidance, meals, sacred body therapies and being of general service to you (cleaning, holding bub while you shower, sleep or potter, doing laundry etc)

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